Cloth Diapering 102

Here is how I cloth diaper in my house. Keep in mind, everyone is different, so you need to find what best fits your family and your needs. 🙂

Babyland Snaps Babyland Pocket 1) Pocket Diapers. I prefer them over prefolds/covers and AIO (all in ones) because I like to be able to adjust the insert kind and count as baby grows. You can also start out at the smallest size and adjust the rise snaps to make the diaper bigger as they grow.



2) Inserts. I use Microfiber to start, then as baby grows and needs more absorption I either add another MF, or a blend insert (cotton/bamboo, MF/bamboo, etc). I also make small half size mini-booster inserts from the MF cloths that you can buy in bulk from Costco.






Diaper Pail RoomWetbag room3) Diaper Pail. I have a diaper pail with a diaper liner in my son’s bedroom so I can easily disassemble a wet diaper right then and there at time of change. I also have a zippered wetbag hanging so that I can wrap up a poopy diaper and put in there for later spraying. (see#4). You don’t necessarily need a diaper liner, you could use a garbage bag (and just reuse it) but I prefer the PUL liners.



Diaper Sprayer4) Diaper Sprayer. There are many people who say you do not need a diaper sprayer in order to successfully cloth diaper; I, on the other hand, completely disagree. I do not believe I would be able to CD without a sprayer. It is so convenient and EASY. Mine broke for one week and I tried the swish and soak method and it was too hard, I ended up keeping Carter in disposables for that week until I got the sprayer fixed. I also keep a second diaper pail in the bathroom for the diapers after I spray the poop out.



Diaper Liners5) Diaper Liners. There are some restrictions on what kind of ointments you can use with cloth diapers that won’t clog up the PUL and make leaks happen. Instead of freaking out about it, I decided to just get some biodegradable diaper liners that you can flush down the toilet, so if by chance one of my kids needs some diaper rash cream (although my kids rarely get diaper rash with CD 🙂 ) I can throw a liner down and use what I need to use. There are some CD safe ointments (my favorite is Earth Mama Angel Baby’s Bottom Balm… it seems to clear up pretty much any sort of rash/yeast in a short period of time.


Travel Wetbag6) Travel Wetbag. I got a wet/dry wetbag for when I am out and about, the front is just cloth with a zipper to hold your dry diapers, the back part has the PUL lining so you can put dirty diapers in there (also zippers). There are several sizes, the one pictured is I believe 11×14, you can fit about 4-5 diapers comfortably in there at a time. Sometimes I use this as my diaper bag too, throw some toys or a bottle in the front. I also have a one diaper sized one if I won’t be gone long and only want to bring 1 diaper “just in case”…



Hemp Insert7) Nightime Leakage. I have chosen to use CD at nighttime as well, since my kids seem to leak through disposables just as easily as CD. I have found the combination of MF and hemp help to keep leakages at a minimum. A lot of people use disposables at night instead of CD, it’s all what you prefer.





IMAG52768) Washing. You should use as little detergent as possible to reduce the chance of it building up on your diapers. I use about 1 TBSP of Ecover (I get it from Sprouts) per load, or I have also used Dreft or Purex Baby.

Basic instructions: Dump dirty diapers in washer. Do one rinse cycle. Do a wash cycle with 1 TBSP detergent. After done do another rinse cycle. Hang to dry on the line, or if need quickly you can put in the dryer (low heat preferred, but high heat is OK). Since my kids have a history with the yeast monster, I add some Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to the first rinse cycle and some Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) to the last rinse cycle. It is supposed to help with the bacteria. You can also add OxiClean to the wash cycle if you want to bleach them a little, but make sure to add another rinse cycle at the end.

Purex Baby! – Free detergent, enter sweepstakes to win $$$


Purex provided me with a sample of Purex Baby so I could review it. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.

Hi there! Me again, your local Purex pusher… haha…

This time I was sent Purex Baby to sample and review, and I was so excited… after use I knew I had reason.

I have been buying more expensive detergent mainly for my cloth diapers, since they require a more natural based baby detergent, and using it for my baby clothes/baby stains as well. Now I don’t have to… Purex Baby Detergent does a great job of getting stains out and still keeping in mind the sensitive baby skin of Tanner. AND for a fraction of the price. 🙂

Some other fun facts: It’s specifically designed to work in all washers (Top loaders and HE front loaders); the dermatologist-tested formula guarantees to remove stubborn stains without hurting delicate clothes, like baby type footie jammies; Hypoallergenic; and last but not least, gentle baby-inspired fragrance 🙂

It’s not available in every store, so use the store locator to find a distributor near you.

ENTER TO WIN THE PUREX “OH BABY” SWEEPSTAKES! You could win one of 3 $500 grand prizes, or a free bottle of detergent…

OR… first 3 to comment on this post (whether here or on Facebook) get a free bottle, on me! 🙂

The 2nd ½ challenge – LIBERATION!

We have several steps in becoming more money-conscious, that I outlined in my previous blog here. Today we actively begin…
STEP ONE of the 2nd ½ challenge – cut up and get rid of credit cards.

Ben was really excited to liberate himself from his Discover Ball-and-Chain

Buh bye

 WE DID IT! Well, I did it while Ben sat and watched NASCAR… get it while you can buddy because STEP TWO is GETTING RID OF DIRECTV!

Stay tuned… 🙂

On a side note, I asked Ben to put Carter down for his nap, and when I went to check on them after a while I found Carter fast asleep… and Daddy too. 🙂

The 2nd Half 6 Month Challenge!

Mama, what do you need all these cards for?!

In order to curb our spending habits and try to get out of some debt and save up for a new car for me, Ben and I have decided to challenge ourselves to save money these next 6 months. So…. that means we are getting rid of “non-necessities” including:

– Satellite TV (rabbit ears, here we come!)
– Home phone
– Satellite Radio
– Netflix
– Eating out more than once a week (including lunch!)
– Unnecessary driving (try to carpool?) to save gas/fuel (Diesel is over $4/gallon!!!!)
– Credit Cards – the great card-cut-up!
– The extra motorcycle (Yamaha, anyone?)
– No more racing every weekend (okay, so it’s getting hot out and Ben does this every summer anyways… but you racers are expensive! This should save us a little $ if anything for Fall racing season…)
– Starting a $20/wk personal and $50/week grocery allowance (includes CVS! D’oh!)

In order to keep myself busy so I don’t do any “Bored-so-I-Go-To-Target” shopping, I pledge to work on my garden, sewing, blogging, Carter, polishing my housekeeping skills (yay) and photography.

I challenge YOU to join our challenge! Any other ideas on how to curb spending?

My baby is 6 months old!

I can’t believe how fast time flies! I thought I would do some comparison shots to see who he is looking like and how much he is growing… What do you think?

I'm thinking this one is a no-brainer... 😉

My baby is growing up so fast! Happy half birthday Carter! 🙂

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Why I, as a Die-Hard Bargain Shopper, Will Still Shop Locally for Some Items Even Though it is Less Cost-Efficient…

I will sum it up in two words: Customer Service.


Most of you know that I use cloth diapers… when I was first getting into cloth diapering, my sister and I did some research and found a diaper website that had a local shop in old town Scottsdale called Zoolikins (formerly known as Wildflower Diapers). Kind of a hole-in-the-wall, you walk in to the small shop and immediately are surrounded by every sort of diapering tool you could ever want or need. Different types, styles and colors of diapers and everything to go with them. It was love at first sight…

When I was still pregnant, I started out by purchasing some diaper covers they had on sale. After doing some research, I decided to buy my Diaper Sprayer from them even though I technically had found some cheaper online. It was a little more heavy duty than the ones I had found and I ended up LOVING IT. Recently, a part broke and stopped working. I didn’t know what to do, since it had pretty much become an extra appendage that I used every day, so I was fully ready to go and buy a new one. Someone mentioned that I should call the store and see if there was some sort of warranty since I had only had it about 6 months.

I love my diaper sprayer! Don't know what I would do without it...

I called the store and talked to Alyssa. Since they keep record of everything their customers buy in their own file, she was able to see when and what I bought, and offered to contact the manufacturer for me. Within an hour she called me back with a contact at the manufacturer who said they would help me. I called them and left a message. They called me back, and asked that I send them an email with more detail on what the problem with the sprayer was so they could either send me replacement parts, or replace my sprayer… I sent the email with pictures, and within 1 day the manufacturer responded that they would send me a brand new sprayer… for FREE. Asked for my address, and sent confirmation that it shipped that same day.

I have referred friends there because a) they know what they are doing when it comes to cloth diapering, and b) you just can’t beat the hands-on customer service they give! She could have very easily just told me that there was nothing she could do, and I would have bought another one in a heartbeat. But no, she went out of her way to make things right.

I have bought their wet/dry bags and diaper pail liners, and will be heading back there to see what other items I may “need” in the not-so-distant future…..

So thank you to Alyssa and Zoolikins for making this busy mom’s life just that much easier! 🙂

Happy Easter!

Carter was so excited for his first Easter that he wanted me to give you a little preview of his Easter pictures…  Happy Easter everyone! 🙂

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Wipes Deal…

I actually did this deal a few weeks ago but it’s back and the deal is even SWEETER now! has a deal on Pampers wipes that makes them just under 2¢ per wipe – 720 wipes equals 10 refills. That’s about $1.15 a refill!

 Got this from Hip2SaveHere’s what you need to do….

* Head on over to Amazon Mom and register or login. By becoming an Amazon Mom member, you receive an additional 15% discount on top of the standard 15% discount when you sign up for Subscribe & Save delivery. You’ll also score FREE 2 day shipping with Amazon Prime.

* Then head on over here to order your wipes and choose Subscribe & Save (on the right side of the page) and you will save an additional 30% off your wipes order bringing your cost down to just $12.50 with FREE 2 day shipping! You can go in later and cancel the subscription or edit your account before any other wipes ship.

*Finally, use coupon code MOMWIPES which will take an additional 10% off. (This wasn’t available when I did the deal! Drats!) 😉

I believe in Angels…

Ever since the first day he came home from the hospital, Carter has had this facination with the ceiling corner of his bedroom above his bed. No matter where he is in the room, he turns his head there and gazes, then eventually smiles, and now that he’s talking starts cooing to it. I am 100% sure that it is because he sees his guardian angels there. At first I think it was only Grandma Gryskiewicz, making sure that he made it here alright.

Who's up there?

Then a couple weeks ago, the weekend that my aunt passed away in fact, Carter was lying on his changing table when he stopped moving, turned his head to the corner, and smiled and said “Hi!”. Now I know to the untrained ear, he could have just been making noise, but it seriously sounded like he was saying hi to someone new. I grabbed my phone and snapped a pic…

Hi Auntie Jan!

Yesterday we were sitting on the couch, and he was totally crying and fussing. Out of the blue, he stopped crying completely, looked into the corner of the room above his swing, and started LAUGHING!! and cooing for about 2 minutes. Then just as suddenly, he stopped, and then turned back to me and started fussing again. Not sure who he saw but he sure liked them! 🙂

All I can say is that we are so blessed to have them here watching over us…

Who does Carter look like?

Baby Carter

 I went in to my office today to show off my newbie, and every single person there commented on how much Carter looks like Ben. Now, maybe I’m just too close to it, but I don’t see a lot of Ben but a pretty good mix of both of us. What do you think?

Baby Ben

Baby Ben

Baby Kara


Baby Kara

Baby Carter

Baby Carter

 What do you think?


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